Parent Help Page
We’ve tried to anticipate your questions regarding school portraits. Please find your answer from among the following frequently asked questions. Please contact us if your specific question isn’t answered.
Ordering Timeline: Online ordering is available approximately 2 weeks prior to picture day. For FALL pictures, online ordering remains open for 48 hours after photos have been taken. After that, ordering is closed so that we can proces, print and deliver back to school site in a timely manner. Parents will have another opportunity to order as soon as those are delivered, and that gallery remains opens throughout the school year. Please note - makeup day and spring preorders must be placed by 9am on picture day since not all students are photographed and we are at the school site for a limited time.
1. What should my child wear for Portrait Day?
Excel Photographers recommends you choose solid colors or simple patterns that complement the portrait background. Medium to dark shades of clothing darken skin tones. Soft shades will lighten skin tones. Avoid T-shirts with words on them, the words may be cut in half on your portrait. Long-sleeve shirts look best. If wearing accessories, choose small items that don’t detract from the face. Keep in mind that in the fall, the portrait is a head and shoulder crop. In the spring, we typically show more of the body/outfit.
2. What grooming tips do you recommend to prepare for Portrait Day?
Plan a haircut one - two weeks ahead of Portrait Day. Hands may show in portrait. Take hair or makeup brushes to schools for quick touch-ups just before portrait time.
3. What type of payments are accepted?
We do not accept post-dated checks. The easiest way to pay is online at and click on PRE-Order Your Portraits (if you are ordering on or before picture day). You may also pay with the payment envelopes provided from your school with check or money order. Cash is accepted, but please make sure it is exact amount, as change may not be available.
4. Can I order online?
Yes! Go to our homepage at and click on PRE Order Your Portraits (to order on or before picture day). Find your school and follow the instructions. For preorders, you will want the schools Gallery Password handy. The Gallery Password (also called online code) is located on the payment flyer for your school. To order pictures after we have delivered the first round of photos, click on Order Your Portraits. All reorders, late orders or new orders that you want to place after we have already delivered packages, are ordered here. For the 22-23 school year, if your school has class groups, those pictures are not available for sale, as Excel provides those to all students.
5. Can I place an order online for multiple children at the same school?
Please place an online order for each student separately. This will ensure they each receive their package and correct background choice. If you are placing a REORDER, you may place one order for multiple students using their unique online codes.
6. Can I have the pictures delivered to my house?
Yes. When you place your order online, there is an option to pay an additional cost to have your order shipped to your home, instead of delivered to the school site.
7. How will I receive my digital download?
Digital downloads are sent via email/SMS at the same time we deliver physical prints to the school. Be sure to check your SPAM/Junk mail. Once you receive your message, it is best to download the image to the device you are using. Refunds are not provided for Digital Download purchases, or exchanged for a new portrait or background if they are opened.
8. What if I forgot to order on picture day?
Orders may be placed online or called in to Excel up to 48 hours after pictures have been taken in the fall. After that, preordering is closed so that we can process, print and deliver to the school in a timely manner. Parents will have another opportunity to order, using their childs unique online code (located on the reorder form all students receive), once we have delivered the final products to the school. They may also wait until makeup day to purchase. Please note that for makeup day and spring picture day, all orders must be placed by 9am the day of pictures. This is because we do not photograph every one at the school on makeup day or in the spring. Spring picture day is usually a prepay only, with the exception of promotion grades. Not all schools take promotion pictures.
9. May I pay later?
When you place an order before picture day or within the 48 hours of portraits being taken (for fall portraits only), the packages are offered at a discounted price. You may order later but will pay full price and a shipping & handling fee. Those are considered reorders and you can purchase those for up to a year. You may also wait for Make-Up Day. Please note, all Make-Up Day orders are due by 9am the day of photos. In the spring, all orders are due by 9am.
10. Can I see the pictures before I order?
On Fall picture day, all students are photographed. In the spring, only those participating are photographed unless it is a promotion grade. Fill out the order form with your students information so the teacher knows to send them to take their picture. A sample photo is included on the Student Resource Sheet that is sent out when the pictures are delivered. You can then view the image and place an order online using the unique code at that time.
11. Can my other children be photographed?
Yes, if you would like to take advantage of the low prices at the school and have the backgrounds match and the package contents be the same for all your children. It is usually best to bring your child in at the start of school, but please be aware that students and staff at the school will take priority and there may be a short wait. In addition, you may need permission from the school site and we recommend confirming with your school site to ensure it is allowed.
12. When are pictures delivered?
School pictures and reorder forms are delivered to the school site approximately 20-25 business days from the original picture day. Your school will distribute. Supply chain disruptions may affect delivery times. Composite style group pictures are not delivered until after makeup day, so that all students may be included. Digital downloads are sent via email/SMS within 48 hours of picture delivery.
13. When is my school’s portrait Make-Up Day?
Your student will be notified about the Make-Up Day in school. A 1/2 sheet notification should be sent home and posters will be up. Makeup picture day is for any staff or students who were absent, are new to the school, or are now purchasing pictures.
14. How long does Excel keep student photos?
All images are guaranteed for the current school year.
15. Can I order from previous years?
As we continue to update our system, images older than the current school year may not be accessible. Archives fees may be applied. Please contact Excel for further assistance.
16. What if my portrait package is incorrect?
If the package you receive is incorrect, Excel Photographers will gladly remedy the situation. Please go to our Claim Form and submit. Excel will reprint and mail any incorrect packages that were received. You may also email All claims should be made within 90 days of delivery to school site. We are unable to process any refunds after 90 days.
17. WhAT if I don’t like my portrait?
Excel guarantees your satisfaction and will retake your child’s portrait or refund your money. Return your complete portrait package to the photographer on your school’s Make-Up Day (minus the class picture, if included). Students will be notified of the Make-Up Day in school. You may call Excel Photographers to schedule a retake in our studio in Natomas. There are limited dates and times available, and an appointment must be made. Please note, refunds are not provided for Digital Download purchases once they are opened.
All portrait package claims must be submitted to Excel via email or phone within 90 days after portrait delivery to school site.
18. What if my check bounces?
Payment by check is your express authorization that it may be converted into a one-time Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) from your account, and all returned checks may be re-presented electronically along with a separate EFT or demand draft for the maximum returned check fee allowed by state law. For info: 256-890-3440.
19. IS there a discount for multiple children?
Yes, for parents with more than two children attending the same school we are offer a discount on the third (or more) child for preorders. The first two children’s portrait purchase are at full price, each additional child’s portrait purchase are 50% off the additional packages. To receive your discount please fill out the first two children’s payment envelope. On each additional child fill out the payment envelope and write in the Special Requests on the envelope - 3rd Child Discount along with the names of the other children. If you prefer to pay with a debit/credit card please place the first two children’s orders separately online and contact Excel pay over the phone to ensure your receive your discount for the remaining children. The discount does not apply for reorders.
20. do staff receive a discount?
Yes, all staff who have children that attend the same school will receive a complimentary package. Please fill out a payment envelope for each child and indicate what background you want. Under Special Requests write in STAFF CHILD. If you are ordering online, use discount code provided to your school.
For any other questions or concerns, please email
You may also call us at 916-565-1620. If you reach voicemail, we are assisting other customers and will call you back as soon as possible. Please be sure to leave a detailed message, with your name, student’s name, school that they attend and a good call back phone number.